Friday, July 15, 2011

[NEWS] G-Dragon is not ranked #1 in copyright income, only an exaggeration

G-Dragon’s copyright income from songs was confirmed to be an exaggeration.

An official from the Korean Music Copyright Association said in a phone call with Star Daily News, “It’s not true that G-Dragon is ranked #1 in terms of copyright income. This matter became such a big topic that it was researched and confirmed that this claim is exaggerated.”

He continued, “Absolute information concerning copyrights cannot be disclosed because there’s no way of knowing. the specific income ranking of copyright holders. “

Last May on Mnet’s “Beatles Code” Seungri revealed, “G-Dragon is currently considered #1 in the Copyright Association. He even ranks higher than composer Cho Young Soo.”

In the end it was found out that Cho Young Su has 426 songs registered under the Copyright Association, 4 times more than G-Dragon who has 107.

Translation: alee@ibigbang

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